Create a Simulation

Create your own Scene

In order to start a new Scene simulation access File→New. This will create the barebone needed to run the Editor:

  • World — global system parameters, mostly Ogre related. Right-Clicking on World allows adding a Body (Ogre Mesh file) or a Scene.
  • Graphics — The graphics node is a container of a set of meshes with known names. These are the base meshes used to display proxies, joints bounding box etc.

In general, most tree actions are done via mouse right-click.

By right-clicking the World node it is possible to add a Scene and the Bodies necessary for the scene. Once the Bodies are in the Scene they will need a Dynamic and Geometrical representation apart from the already visible Visual representation.

  • The Dynamic representation of a Body can be calculated based in the sum of the proxy's mass and inertia. The Proxy mass parameters is calculated based on the it's density and volume.(Dynamics can also be set manually)
  • The Geometrical data can also be defined by the set of Proxy's belonging to a body.(Geometric data can also be defined by the Visual data)

Connecting Bodies

Restrictions to a Bodies movement can be applied through Joints. A Joint makes the movement of a Body depend on another in several ways, it may also behave like a servo in the case of a Hinge Joint with a controller.

To create a Joint right-click a body and select form the list available. Once it is created select it in order to edit it's settings. Bare in mind that default freedom of the axis is only 0.01º degrees hence making it a rigid conection.

create_a_simulation.txt · Last modified: 2011/04/29 17:03 by
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